Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Ambitious ....

Me: I want to do something rebelious

Scoopy: Why ?

Me: I just do. I feel like it.

Scoopy: What do you want to do ?

Me: Protest in the streets, write rebelious articles, become a tv reporter freelance or something... Anything.

Scoopy: COOOL!...but Then what ?

Me: well then i'll get a real job someday...

Scoopy: Ooo sounds like a plan....

and we resumed with our cheetos and coke while we sat in our cool pond house .....


  1. haha...i used to think like that too with cheezy fingers and coke

  2. you were a toad in your life before :P

  3. i doubt it...my stories arent obsessed with WATER! hahaha your insane

  4. I'll take that as a compliment.

  5. It'll be fun to see what u have to say as TV reporter.

    Make a post auditioning as reporter, toad.

  6. That is one good idea Mysh. I may Just do that.
