Saturday, 7 May 2011

The question remains.....

Scoopy Set up a blind date for me!

He couldn't stop rambling about the fact that how awesome the toadess was. I couldn't help but Yawn.

Toadess and Awesome are two words I word never use in a sentence together.

I have my reasons. No arguments required.

The longest a relationship lasted for me was a month. It was probably my first time. I was more careful from there onwards not to fall for the trap. Freedom was important to me. It still is. Most of you would argue that the old "ball and chain " example is clichéd and it doesn't happen like that anymore. You are all wrong. YES!.
Anything that has a string attached to it can be pulled and pushed. They call them puppets .... and I ain't one....

Scoopy still managed to send me on the blind date despite knowing my past history with toadesses. I guess he is a bit too optimistic about me. He probably thinks I'll change my ways and repent. Problem is that you repent from things that you think are bad.....You get the point...right?.

Alright Jumping right to the dinner date.

Sitting at the table waiting for our order to arrive.... The toadess won't shut up....She kept on and on about ...God knows what Cause she lost me after 20 seconds.... Her name was lizzy.

Lizzy: Toad What are you thinking right now?

ME: Errr ... nothing.

Lizzy: How can You think nothing? There must be something.

Me: No...Its just a blank mind right there....

Lizzy: stop messing around with me and tell me na... I am interested to know ..

Me: There is noth...... ah well .. OK I will but ....

Lizzy: but ??? but what?

Me: You really sure u want to hear that?

Lizzy: Yeah I am. Go on.

Me: don't take me wrong please....

Lizzy: Oh God what is it? Are u feeling ok?

Me: yeah..well I guess.. I am just in a dilemma right now...I guess I should ask you about it.

Lizzy: *getting curious* yes you can trust me with that ...

Me: the point is....

Lizzy: *getting eager and impatient*

Me: *clears his throat*.... ah.... ermmmm ... well... I am just thinking why did the chicken cross the road ?

Lizzy: *kinda taken aback * I am sorry what?

Me: You heard me ...why did the chicken cross the road I wonder? *makes a serious thoughtful face*

Lizzy: * because he had to go to the weapons store across the street...He bought a gun and shot you to death for your sheer lameness Toad............* Go to hell *.... She hopped away .... all red and flustered...

see a little lameness goes a long way.

cheque please.


  1. answer is that "because he wanted to prove he had the potential of doing so"...and cause he didnt want to be dead meat...get it? lol.. anyway i answered this in my ASK Me page...

    this scoopy guy is people up on blind dates!

  2. I just read that. That could have been a less violent response but then again you can never contemplate toadesses and their responses.

  3. Master Toad, You. Are an inspiration.

  4. Nice post.. Humorous.. Liked the 'about me' section of your blog.. Made me chuckle..

  5. @ spinbar... wait till I show the toad wu shi tongue hold to kill insects. :P

    @mystique. that is the intention :D

  6. Stay away from toadess and their wibeqness.

    However, that sounded like a fun date. U could have had more fun. U, being the keyword.

  7. I could have but then she hopped off. :P
